How to Play in Your Zone of Genius and Keep Winning Together!

Wednesday May 10, 2023

9:00AM - 10:30AM

Full Conference Schedule

What we don’t know about ourselves controls our lives and limits our success!  What we don’t know about the people around us dictates the level of success of our teams and businesses!
In this inspiring and interactive workshop, we will define the primary core values that drive the decisions and direction of your life.  When we understand why we do what we do, we have more influence and create greater impact.  When we honor and value the unique contribution of everyone around us, we unleash hidden capacity to maximize team and business performance.  In this hands-on session:

  • You will identify the primary core values that motivate and inspire everything you do and learn how to stay in your Zone of Genius.
  • You will recognize the environments, activities and circumstances that energize and drain you.
  • You be liberated to Pivot On Purpose and align what you do with who you are for greater fulfillment.
  • You will learn how to honor and value the unique contribution of every team member to play bigger.
  • You will discover strategies for developing stronger relationships to maximize team performance.