GSK Site Procurement Excellence: Assess, Coach, Connect
Monday May 8, 2023
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Full Conference Schedule
How GSK delivered a high performing global team across 35 complex manufacturing sites.
GSK manufacturing sites had legacy procurement practices that had not been standardized due to evolution as well as integration of acquisition sites. Understanding of the role of procurement, its objectives and shared purpose, ways of working varied between sites. Team members partnering with these sites (typically 1 or 2 members) are isolated by geography, language, and cultural barriers. They have varying degrees of education, skills, knowledge and experience in procurement and GSK processes. Team members lacked a framework for reference and their focus could easily shift to pressing tactical supply issues away from global procurement objectives.
The leadership team faced three questions
- How do we ensure team members perform consistently across the network?
- How do we increase engagement and build capability instead of directing them?
- How do we do this in a collaborative environment?
These questions inspired the development of the Procurement Excellence program that enabled the team to assess, coach and connect within themselves to create a self-sustaining development environment to create more business value and professional development.
Core capabilities needed to excel were identified and everyone assessed to this standard. Feedback was sought from key stakeholders on the assessment. The information was used to organize informal development clinics led by members assessed as master. Buddy / mentors were assigned to new joiners. A coaching playbook with best-in-class examples helped new and developing team members align to global procurement objectives. The playbook also acts as a reference and framework to align everyone to a global standard. The playbook is designed on a coaching format recognizing unique business challenges at each GSK site.