Organizational Capability Assessments
Using the organization maturity assessment, associates, and stakeholders SCM employees and stakeholders assess the overall capability of the organization with an emphasis on strategic sourcing. These capabilities are aligned to a maturity model that has been developed by ISM and SCM subject matter experts from multiple industries. Leaders will be able to create capability improvement strategies and employee development programs to deliver strategic value across the company. Impact will be measurable in both bottom-line costs and top-line revenues.
Competencies Measured
7 core competencies are measures within this assessment. Understanding you baseline maturity and opportunity for growth is key to building long term strategic planning. This will also assist in developing your organizational maturity from emerging to transformative.
- Organization
- Spend Management
- Sourcing Processes
- Valued Strategic Partner
- Supply Chain Resilience
- Skills and Capabilities
- Technology Enablement
With organizational capability results and data, supply management leaders will be able to create capability improvement strategies and employee development programs to deliver strategic value across the company. By using this data, leaders can also create roadmaps and plot where their organization is currently on the maturity level and identify strategic plan for desired levels of maturity and communicate within organization. Impact can be measurable in both bottom-line costs and top-line revenues.
Organizational Maturity Levels
Based on insights from practitioners and other subject matter experts, organizational maturity progression is mapped as follows. This targeted growth pattern moves organizations from emerging to transformative: