ISM® Soft Skills Assessment
The ISM Soft Skills model is a framework of interpersonal attributes that employees need to succeed in the workplace. Such skills are how an individual works with and relates to others. It allows employees to adapt and behave positively so they can deal effectively with the challenges of their profession. Soft skills are the foundation to enable flexibility in a changing world.
Eight competencies and 34 sub-competencies provide employees with a comprehensive approach to baseline a current state of capabilities and assist in closing talent development gaps.
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Talent Capability Assessment
Competencies Measured
8 core competencies are measured within this assessment. Understanding your baseline maturity and opportunity for growth is key to building long-term strategic planning.
- Communication
- Integrity & Trust
- Leadership
- Intellectual Horsepower
- Problem Solving
- Results Delivery
- Emotional Intelligence
- Strategic Ability
With talent capability results, supply management employees will gain insight into their soft skills and abilities. Career development plans to achieve and exceed these targets will enable professional growth and deliver strategic value to the company.
With this data, supply management leaders will understand soft skill capability and provide development plans supporting growth and alignment with long term strategic talent plans.
Talent Capability Levels
Working with practitioners and other subject matter experts, individual maturity progression is mapped as follows.