Live Online

The Flexibility of Online Education with the Benefit of Live Instruction

Don't let travel restrictions or a crowded schedule derail your educational development as a supply management professional. As the leader in supply management education, ISM offers several flexible training options to achieve your supply management certification, or simply take a course in an area of interest to you for career growth. By investing in yourself, you will gain the higher level of expertise needed for professional growth and success.  

Designed with today's busy professional in mind, ISM offers live online training different lengths and learning styles to ensure you have access to the right materials, in the right format for you.  

Whether you are new to the field or a veteran professional, top experts in the field will help you build your knowledge and skills as a supply management professional with our live, online education.

Live Online Courses to Fit Your Schedule

Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom courses provide the opportunity to connect with your peers and learn from instructors in a focused, online classroom setting. Delivered live through Zoom, your instructor will dive deep into the topic at hand and provide opportunities for networking and collaborating with other participants.

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Guided Learning

Five weeks in length, Guided Learning courses provide a structure for you to work through materials at your own pace. Weekly instructor-led webinars can be attended live or watched on-demand, however attending live affords you the opportunity to engage with your instructor and other participants.

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Webinar topics focus on hot trends, challenges and issues in our industry. They feature leading subject matter experts, offering insights and ideas that you won’t find or hear anywhere else. Webinars are all about timely, relevant information that arm you with valuable knowledge for success. 

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Ready to Advance as a Supply Management Professional?

Explore ISM’s Live Online Supply Management Education Events

Online learning offers the convenience you need as a busy supply management professional to prepare for your supply management certification, or take a single course in an area of interest to you. ISM’s online learning layers in live instructor-led webinars to bring you the benefits of live instruction coupled with the flexibility of online study.

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Join us in the Virtual Classroom

Virtual Classroom courses offer a similar depth of content as face-to-face classroom seminars. Delivered live through Zoom, your instructor will encourage you to have your video on and that you turn on your microphone to ask questions and participate in discussions. What sets Virtual Classroom courses apart from other online learning experiences is collaboration and networking with other participants.

Upcoming Live Online Education

  • May-Aug



    The ISM World all-access pass combines the best of both worlds. You get the in-person experience and the time to dedicate to networking, supplier discovery and the specific supply management breakout sessions you select to attend onsite. In addition, you get 90-day access following the conference to a library of the breakout sessions you may have missed or would like to watch again. It’s the ultimate package extending your conference education beyond the live event to maximize your value.
  • May-Jun



    Supply management professionals are constantly encouraged by senior management to expand strategic cost management efforts. Strategic cost and price management is the process of relating meaningful information to a firm’s business strategy using value chain analysis, strategic positioning analysis and cost driver analysis. A range of tools and techniques can be used, including complexity reduction, greater standardization, tighter management of specifications and demand, compliance management, price benchmarking, should-cost analysis, and total cost of ownership analysis. You will learn strategies to improve profits through shaping both the bottom line and top line of your organization. You will have 60 days access after the last day of the course.

    Joseph P. Gallagher, CPSM, C.P.M., A.P.P.
  • May



    The session will help procurement and supply management professionals become familiar with terms, concepts and applications employed in the construction industry to build comfort in addressing and managing major high dollar and critical acquisitions for the organization. Construction, like Supply Management, has its own language and vocabulary. It’s hard to buy, manage or approve change orders in a contract if you do not understand what the contract is covering. Usually, we manage a large project by work packages which breaks the large project down into sequenced and costed activities. This session seeks to explain some of the major concepts, terminology and shows you how you can be more effective in purchasing a project which could dwarf a traditional inventory, equipment, services, raw materials and MRO expenditures combined on an annual spend. Many managers often bypass purchasing to manage a construction project; for a new plant, new office building, remodeling or mitigation effort from initial planning, pre-solicitation, acquisition and contract management assuming you are not technically degreed. (You need to be a sign off before the proposed project goes to the board for budget monies.) So, they give the project to the Architect and Engineering firm, or the General Contractor or the Prime Contractor to manage—none of whom are part of your company! It is estimated a construction project not managed by a Procurement or Supply Management Professional could encounter overruns as much as 7 to 11%. On a $50M project that could be as high as an additional $4-$5M in additional money. This session will provide you the skills and ability to do what you are the expert in: sourcing, qualification of contractors, developing the RFP, negotiation of the cost/price, delivery elements, review of the construction contract and managing the construction to a successful completion. 

    William D Agee JR, C.P.M.
  • May



    In an era where environmental responsibility is no longer an option but a mandate, join us for a compelling webinar that sheds light on the pivotal shift in supply chain management.

    Many companies, though aware of their carbon footprint, have yet to measure the greenhouse gas emissions intricately embedded in their supply chains. With new legislation like the California carbon emissions mandate on the horizon, this practice will soon transition from voluntary to mandatory.

    Led by industry analyst Adrian Gonzalez, you will learn about:

    • The imminent challenges faced by companies in calculating and reporting greenhouse gas emissions across their supply chains
    • The journey from traditional tracking of shipments, orders, inventory, and assets in motion, to the imperative expansion of end-to-end supply chain visibility.
    • How the focus extends beyond logistics to encompass the often-overlooked Scope 3 emissions, providing a comprehensive understanding of the entire carbon footprint.
    • Key questions and insights stemming from a recent survey will be dissected, unraveling the current landscape and future expectations.

    ISM membership is not required to attend – all are welcome.

Looking for Team Training?

ISM not only provides training for individuals, but provides education for teams from classroom to virtual group learning.

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