Webinar Details
Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management
This presentation is based on the book “Supply Chain Costing and Performance Management” that Gary Cokins co-authored published by John Wiley & Sons. The book is a result of a research study to examine the application of supply chain profit and costing measurement methods in multiple industries and international settings.
Learning Objectives:
- Why there is pressure on supply chain trading partners to collaborate rather than be adversarial.
- Why customers are the source of shareholder wealth creation for suppliers.
- How to measure and manage supplier, product, channel, and customer profitability.
- Why as differentiation from product advantages is reduced or neutralized due to commoditization, then service level differentiation matters, and the customer relationship grows in importance as a competitive advantage.
- How to shift the mindset from growing sales to growing profitable sales and to view customers as investments like in a stock portfolio to seek higher ROIs – return on customers (ROC).
- How to consider influencing a company’s suppliers’ suppliers and customers’ customers – second tiers and above.

Product Details
Gary Cokins, CPIM, Founder and CEO, Analytics-Based Performance Management LLC
Gary Cokins is an internationally recognized expert, speaker, and author in advanced cost management and performance improvement systems. He is the founder of Analytics-Based Performance Management, an advisory firm located in Cary, North Carolina.
CEH Credits1.0
Product CodeMEMBERWEB2501
Access Allowed for60 Days
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